The Captain &
The Sea Creature
A man, claiming to be a great sea captain, lives alone in a ramshackle house by the sea. He believes the world is broken, a cruel and chaotic place where nothing fits together.
One night in a storm he discovers a strange Sea Creature washed up on the shore. She declares her undying love for him.
The Captain’s world is about to capsize…
Read a ⅓ of the book…
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“If you have a romantic soul, and you love a good love story sprinkled with magic and comedy then you’ll really enjoy this book.”
A. J. (Amazon Reader)
Short excerpt from the book…
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of light high in the sky above. He peered forward. Another flash, and then another! Stars were falling. It was happening again. Stars were falling from the sky! His face grew luminous and ecstatic.
He stepped back, grabbed his telescope, and peered through its lens. The surface of the dark sea was suddenly alive, moving, threshing, and luminous. He saw one, then ten, then a hundred emerald fish burst forth and leap to catch the falling stars in their open mouths.
The Captain watched with rapt, joyful attention, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Oh, you’ve come back,” he sighed. “You’ve come back.”
For this was one of those very rare nights when for a brief while sea and sky, fish and stars, above and below, were joined and the world was whole again.
“A chuckle a moment, this hilarious book is a must read. I promise you won’t be disappointed!”
Colin Peters (Amazon Reader)